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Home The state rights democrat. January 05, Image 1. Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. It is also available as plain text as well as XML. J fjl saaieeopy, ax mohum I J3:SLr State VOL. Tke elties. A 1 , Albuj , Oregon. Y Ofttce In Fnater'a new brik. HueSal atteaUon given le uul. U:t j. R, mi. Collect ionn promptly made cm all jointe. O V Will drmUm la all the court of th state.
Prompt alto niton given to ooliootlotia. I'tobela euainaea a speciality. Collectiona prompt J y tnada on ail point. Final elaaa vehicle, fine boraee, kmkI food, arcotu modal ing nroprioUira and rr- eonablo chartrea. Suable naar Kevore House. Tafatai uifJIo't with the boa the market affordn. Bprinn Mdi In every HVtxjan. A Kaniile K"iu U. Jl U e gfevt h l; to frgte4ry. Six faoltt fur as. The Cii;.. MreaJ Sir paaeplil -t. MmtUm tXU tnptr. Ttn B. Waneneea aai Torptdttr -r tie.
Fata in inaauoo in tba the Shoulder blade. Ikllaoas after eating, with a dtstn- ell In vo exertjon or body exertion of bbi lejr ef tamper. Low spirits, with or mind, rink with a feahnet of fiavlnsc ne aome doty. Thar sji riaan Uae Aetpettte. Kraulnr atoala arr duosd. Vase g cmiu.
Itim nurtH a inturul eolor. Wold by Draagiais. ITrrnt litttU. J aiatlne aed X Final Settlement. Notice et horeby given that the under signed Aehniaiatratora of the oatato of C D. Saturday the 9th day of Decern bar, , at tho hour of ten o'clock a no.
Any person Interest ad in said estate is hereby notified to an pear and file his or her objections to said Account and the settlement thereof on or t-eta re said day. Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Or. Notice is heroby given that there will be a meeiiag or ino stockholder, or the Linn Co. Foster fc Co. Nimrop Paynk, R. Foster, 'resident.